The Business Master (3rd Edition)
The Business Master (3rd Edition).iso
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Text File
205 lines
A - Mark all records for printing or transfer.
B - List birthdays sorted by month and day.
D/E - Dial the #1 or #2 telephone number in the main window.
H - Help, you're reading it!
L - Display and maintain the Phone Log.
M - Mark records for transfer or copy to another file.
T - Transfer marked records to or create another file.
U - Unmark all records in the database.
F1 - Change the screen colors.
ALT F1 - Configure CARDX for modem, phone, color and printer.
ALT F10 - Set, change or remove password protection from a file.
F2 - Add a new record to the database.
F3 - Copy the current record and then edit.
F4 - Find a name in the database, enter partial or full name.
F5 - Drop to DOS, type Exit to return to CARDX.
F6 - Edit an existing record.
F8 - Erase a record from the database.
F9 - Print all or marked records.
F10 - Print one record.
ALT Letter - Search for the 1st record that starts with that letter.
Cursor Up - Forward one record.
Cursor Dn - Back one record.
PgUp - Forward four records.
PgDn - Back four records.
Home - Goto first record in database.
──── Edit Mode ────
Alt D - Delete a line of text.
Alt I - Insert a blank line.
Backspace - Delete character before cursor.
Cursor Up - Move up a line in the current field or
goto previous field if on the top line of a field or
goto the last field if in the first field & top line.
Cursor Dn - Move down a line in a field or goto the next field.
Cursor Left - Move cursor left one character.
Cursor Right - Move cursor right one character.
Ctrl Cursor - Ctrl Left/Right cursor, move left/right a word.
Ctrl End - Goto end of text.
Ctrl Home - Goto upper left corner of field.
Ctrl Y - Delete under cursor to end of line.
Del - Delete character under cursor.
Esc - Exit editing without any changes made.
End - Move cursor to end of text in line.
Home - Goto first character in line.
Insert - Toggle overstrike or insert text.
PgDn - Exit edit mode.
Modem COM port number, Space, 1 or 2...... █ 2
Enter the Communication port number of your modem or if you don't
have one leave blank. Modem speeds of 1200 baud or greater are
Modem Initiation string................... AT &F L3
Read the instructions for your modem if this simple initiation
string doesn't work.
Modem Dial prefix string.................. AT DT
Read the instructions with your modem if this simple string
doesn't work.
Modem Hang-up string...................... AT H0
Read the instructions with your modem if this simple string
doesn't work.
Enter plant exit code number or a space... 9
At Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., where I work, you have to prefix
an outside the plant number with 9. Another man wanted a delay
after the exit code where the exit code gets him through the
switch board to the outside phone company. Enter the exit code
and then commas for the number of two second delays you want,
I. E. "9,,,," would give eight seconds delay between the exit code
and the number to be dialed.
Dial 1 before long distance? Y/N.......... █ Y
Prefix an area code different from your local area code
with a "1".
Local area code........................... 412
Your local area code.
Enter default data file name.............. DEMO.CDX
If you start Cardx by entering just CARDX on the DOS command
line, you will be presented with the default setting screen. If
you press enter, the default Cardx datafile will be loaded.
Use the birthday field Y/N................ █ Y
Select the use of the birthday field.
Print first/last names in upper case Y/N.. █ N
HOWARD L. MCHENRY SERVICES or Howard L. McHenry Services.
Keep a log of phone numbers dialed Y/N.... █ Y
Enter "Y" if you want the Phone Log enabled.
Use four letter Canadian states? Y/N...... █ Y
Enter "Y" if you use four letter Canadian province codes.
First and last name fields Y/N............ █ Y
Enter "Y" to have separate first and last name fields,
"N" to combine them.
Rolodex cards are sorted on the last name, first name and birth
date. If you are using "First and last name fields" = Y then the
sort key is "MCHENRY, HOWARD L.470623" where the numbers at the end
is the birth date by yr/mo/da. If "First and last name fields" = N
then the combined name field is trimmed of trailing spaces and the
birth date is added in the same way.
When starting CARDX, enter the asterisk wildcards on the command
line, I.E. CARDX *.*, CARDX will provide a menu of your data files
to choose from using the cursor keys. To load a menu from another
disk or directory, enter on the command line CARDX <full path and
wildcards, (d:\path\*.*)>. To load a datafile from another disk or
directory, enter on the command line CARDX <full path and datafile
name, (d:\path\filename). Direct screen writes (BIOS calls) were
a problem for some machines, particuarly 386's. Made all screen
displays a DOS call. This slowed the program down some what.
If your machine will tolerate BIOS calls enter "/F" on the
command line when loading Cardx enter CARDX /F, CARDX *.* /F or
CARDX demo /F. This will give you the faster direct screen
Command line option "/NOCOM", will not allow the modem to be
accessed. A LAN administrator asked for this feature where in some
cases he did not want the people on the LAN to have the ability to
access a modem, I. E. CARDX *.* /NOCOM, CARDX *.* /NOCOM /F,
CARDX /NOCOM, CARDX /F /NOCOM. When the feature is in place,
attempting to dial give the message "Dial Feature Is Not Available".
To change the Help Screens edit file CARDX.HLP with an ASCII editor
to suit your needs. A page consists of 20 rows and 68 columns. If
a line is longer than 68 characters, it will be truncated.
The Phone Log records numbers when they are dialed, they are
retained regardless if busy.
To create a new datafile, (M)ark a record and (T)ransfer it to the
new datafile name. You will be prompted, "Data file doesn't exist,
do you want to create it?....", answer "Y".
Quick Search, ALT - Any Letter Key will find the first record that
starts with that character.
F4 search, enter "Smith, An" to find Andy Smith of 23 Smiths.
Converting files from version 8.1, 8.6, 8.7 or 9.6 to 9.8,
copy CONVERT.EXE into the directory where your Cardx data files are
located and on the command line enter "CONVERT *.*"
The F1 key configures the screen colors. Use PgUp / PgDn or Enter
keys to change screen color areas. Use Up / Down Cursor keys to
change colors. Press the ESC key to exit the Color Set-up.
The number of records Cardx can access is unlimited. The larger
the database ,greater the number of records, the slower the program
is at loading, sorting and saving. Break your database into smaller
files for different groups to speed things up.
To password protect a file use the Alt - F10 keys to add a password.
To remove a password strike the Enter key when change password is
selected from the rolodex screen. Suggest you back-up your file
without a password in case you forget the password.
________________________Custom Print Features________________________
Select and edit a "Custom Print Program" by entering F9 or F10 and
select "Select Print Program". A menu will be provided of all the
custom print programs in the directory, *.PRT files. After a
selection is made, the program will prompt you if you want to edit
the file, where the print program can be edited, to exit and save
press the PgDn key. If changes are made to the print program, on
save and exit you will have the opportunity to create a new file,
enter a new print program filename.
Writing or changing a print program:
Field name variables from the database:
FNAME = First name
LNAME = Last name
STREET = Street address
TOWN = Town
STATE = State
ZIP = Zip code and extended zip code
PHONE1 = Phone number one
PHONE2 = Phone number two
BIRTH = Birth date, 06/23/47
ADINFO = Added information field is printed in 5 lines of 54
columns, blank lines are not printed.
#27 77 27 120 1 27 69#, printer control codes are enclosed by the
pound sign. These can be embedded between variables or text.
Row and column coordinates place a variable at that location from
the top and left edge of the paper. The first number is regarded
as the row number and any numbers there after are column numbers
in that line.
'Text' to be printed is enclosed in quotes.
Text and variables can be mixed in a line by separating them with
a space. The space delimits all commands.
;All text in a line after a semicolon is ignored as a comment.
FORMFEED = a form feed is printed after this command.
FORMFEED? = You are prompted if you want a form feed when only
printing a single record. It is ignored when printing all of the
database or marked records.
FORMFEED! = Do a formfeed after last record is printed, eject
last page.